Our Team

The GPro Foundation's employees and volunteers are highly-trained, experienced and dedicated to the success of our business.

Rochelle Makoby-Vergalito

Executive Director of Non-Profit


Award Winning Art Director

Branding Specialist, Certified Project Manager for Leading Global Businesses


Year 2015

Event 1 NJ Wakeoff

Year 2016

Event 2 Concert with 14 Bands

Year 2016

Event 3 NJ Wakeoff

Gpro Foundation:

Informational news and inspirations for all with the help of GPro sponsors, professional athletes, media, Facebook advertising, Instagram and events.


Professional development: She has been as an Art Director and/or Senior Project Manager for Major Pharmaceautical and Manufacturing Companies. She handlled Budgets to exceed 4+ Million Dollars. Prior to this, Rochelle was an Award Winning Art Director for leading Ad Agencies in New York City for 10 years she has excelled working on many major brands, like Cheerios, Arava, Avirex, Burger King, and even DKNY, Redken and L'Oreal.


Personal Profile: Rochelle is Professional Certified Ski Instructor, Equestrian, Ice Climber and Moto Rider. She is an avid athlete and trains year round. She founded GPro after being exposed to the lack of attention to the Overdosing Epidemic and addiction. She makes it her duty to report new dangerous lethal drugs, write and share recent impactful news updates. Globally and currently she has over 1000 followers on GPro Foundation Facebook Page. She encourages a healthy and happier lifestyle.


April Kruk




Real Estate Agent, Customer Relations, Media

Year 2016

Event 3 NJ Wakeoff

Professional development: April Kruk served in the Miltary for 4 years as a Marine.

Since then she has been a real estate agent in New Jersey for several years.


April entered into Finance, holding a position with the Internal Revenue Service. As it is not allowed to be an employee of a Non-Profit, she volunteers at events and continues to do reasearch for the news channel. April has recently been promotee to a managers position with the IRS.


Personal Profile: April continues to reighn as an athlete running 5K Marathons. And is a mother of a son and a daughter. Her duaghter is in many different sports. Her daughter is a real go getter!

She has a strong belief in the GPro Foundation and is a strong supporter.


Karen Schmit-Solderitch




Environmental Health and Safety Specialist. Safety, Safety Training and Hazmat Site Inspector,

MS in Science and Education


Year 1988-2001

Professional development: Karen was in the Saftey and Training Industry for 17 years. She handled site inspections for hazardous material, spills and clean-ups. She lived in New Jersey for several years.

Year 2002-present

Karen then became a school teacher in science and math for public schools, private schools and special education. She also worked 3 years as a safety trainer for predominant blood drive company Miller-Keystone.


Personal Profile: In sports her high school track team has, still to this day, held the all-time track record. She still runs today. An equestrian in Dressage, she has inspired her her daughter alo an Equestrian and Field Hockey athlete and her son is an avid Golfer and former Hockey player.


She has a strong belief in the GPro Foundation and is a strong supporter.



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